Saturday 11 September 2010


“The world is never quiet, even its silence eternally resounds with the same notes, in vibrations which escape our ears. As for those that we perceive, they carry sounds to us, occasionally a chord, never a melody.” Albert Camus
“Sound--That stealeth ever on the ear of him
Who, musing, gazeth on the distance dim,
And sees the darkness coming as a cloud--
Is not its form--its voice--most palpable and loud?” Edgar Allan Poe
“The silence was part of the story I wanted to tell.” Joyce Maynard
“Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue”. Plato

The Music Shelf

Group Members:
Luke McKinney
Varut "Gap" Rintanalert
Daniel Sunden


Group members:
Clack Bullock
Josie French
Struan Barr

Crowdscape Interface

Dinner Party

Diner Party
Group members:
Laura Aho
cameron Ayliffe
Viet The Ngo
Andrew Wilson

Tuesday 9 February 2010


Group members:
Fi, Vana, Nathan and Craig

Singing Plugs

when sound changed the world

Flora Arbuthnott

Lottie Burnley

Lizzie Brotherston

In a world where old people have taken control of society, no young person is safe.

By using irritating high frequency sounds which only ‘Youths’ can here, the old have banished the young to the fringes of the cities.

Action needs to be taken.

The ‘Youths’ have begun to use this noise to their advantage, communicating without the old people’s knowledge.

By using this high frequency whistle the young can regain control.